Local Honor Scores
The Burlington Area USBC Association recognizes several honor scores.
Bowler must be a sanctioned member of the Burlington Area UBSC at the time the score was bowled. The score must be bowled in a certified Burlington Area USBC league or any USBC certified tournament.
A bowler’s first sanctioned 600 series and 700 Series bowled. This award will be a plaque with the bowler’s series, and date bowled.
Any 750 series or higher bowled. This award will be a plaque listing all of the bowler’s 750 series or higher and date bowled.
Any 700 series or higher bowled by a female bowler. This award will be a plaque listing all of the bowler’s 700 series or higher and date bowled.
Any 300 or eleven in a row game bowled. Each of these awards will a plaque listing the date bowled.
These awards will be handed out at the annual awards dinner.